Celebrating 25 years of business partnership
In 1994 Bilston-based laboratory chemical, equipment and consumables supplier Scientific & Chemical Supplies Limited began its successful partnership...
1 min read
Katie Mansell : Mar 24, 2020 9:35:20 PM
CPiO and Sage 200 customer, Gtech, who designs and manufactures cordless home and garden appliances has designed a ventilator for the NHS to use during the period of excessive demand during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Gtech says the ventilators could be manufactured in a “matter of days”, as UK critical care facilities come under further pressure as the crisis escalates.
Speaking to Birmingham Mail online, Nick Grey, Owner of Gtech says: “We designed the ventilator entirely from parts that can readily be made from stock materials or bought off-the-shelf. This means that if Government approves and wants Gtech ventilators they can be made by almost any engineering and manufacturing company.”
“Gtech could produce around 100 per day within a week or two providing we could find steel fabrication and CNC machining companies to help us make some of the parts.”
Whilst not a manufacturer and sadly unable to assist with the shortage of medical equipment, CPiO has too adapted its business in response to COVID-19 to help business during the crisis.
James Bedford, Director of Infrastructure Services at CPiO explains, “Demand for remote working has increased unprecedentedly. Many businesses have never offered their employees working from home privileges and so it is proving to be somewhat of a culture shock to business and employees alike.”
“Via CPiO Cloud, facilitating working from home is a major part of what we do.”
“The CPiO infrastructure team has been inundated with requests from customers to assist with home working. We are focussing on products and services such as hosting, document management, and Office 365 to help as many businesses maintain as near to ‘business as usual’ as possible during these times of immense uncertainty.”
During the pandemic it is vital that we not only as businesses, but as individuals offer as much support and assistance to those around us. We must accept the changes that need to take place to ensure day to day life is as uninterrupted as possible and the world gets back to normality as quickly as possible. There are challenging times ahead, but we will get through this crisis and come out the other side stronger.
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In 1994 Bilston-based laboratory chemical, equipment and consumables supplier Scientific & Chemical Supplies Limited began its successful partnership...
We are delighted to congratulate four of our long-standing employees as they celebrate their 25th year anniversary with CPiO.
CPiO has recently partnered with Yooz, to provide a powerful AP automation tool that can be integrated into Sage X3. The cloud-based e-invoicing...